Analisis Waktu Dan Biaya Pada Perhitungan Produktivitas Alat dan Tenaga Kerja Dengan Metode Pert


  • Ikhtisholiyah Universitas Gresik
  • Berlian Baehaqi
  • Irawan Agustiar Universitas Gresik


PERT, Cost Impact, Project Acceleration, Productivity


This inquire about tries to discover a arrangement within the Clearing Entrance Street Enhancement Extend To Tanggok STA 0+190 to STA 1+750. Within the JIIPE Manyar Zone, Gresik where within the extend there has been a delay within the advance of the arrange. In this research utilizing information collection methods with the strategy of watching efficiency within the trunk and after that conducting trial work to decide the efficiency of instruments and specialists within the field, making an increasing speed examination with the Sprightly strategy, calculating the fetched consumption after the increasing speed is carried out. Comes about of this think about 1. The increasing speed contains a add up to advance pick up of 64.42% and the most noteworthy top of week after week advance pick up of 35.84% and the 6th week pick up of 28.57%, and from that increasing speed moreover advance which within the fifth week as it were summed to 31.74% in two weeks expanded to 96.16%. 2. The rate of the affect of increasing speed costs is 6.5% of the esteem of the work contract of 1,400,000,000, in case the advance gotten amid the speeding up exertion is carried out by 64.42% or proportionate to the esteem of the work of Rp. 901,880,000. 

Keywords: PERT, Cost Impact, Project Acceleration, Productivity.

Author Biography

Ikhtisholiyah, Universitas Gresik

Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department


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How to Cite

Ikhtisholiyah, Berlian Baehaqi, & Irawan Agustiar. (2024). Analisis Waktu Dan Biaya Pada Perhitungan Produktivitas Alat dan Tenaga Kerja Dengan Metode Pert. J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi Dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Dan Sains, 1(1), 1–12. Retrieved from