J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil <p>J-Sipil: Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains (JTITSS) is an open-source journal managed by the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gresik University. This journal aims to provide a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners to publish original research articles or review articles, which are available in the online version. The journal is published twice a year, in <strong>July</strong> and <strong>December</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Focus and Scope:</strong></p> <p>The scopes of the articles published in this jour­nal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of civil engineering: Civil Structure, Transportation, Geotechnics, Construction Management, Green Building, SIG, and Hydrotechnics.</p> Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gresik en-US J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains Analisis Waktu Dan Biaya Pada Perhitungan Produktivitas Alat dan Tenaga Kerja Dengan Metode Pert https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil/article/view/96 <p><em>This inquire about tries to discover a arrangement within the Clearing Entrance Street Enhancement Extend To Tanggok STA 0+190 to STA 1+750. Within the JIIPE Manyar Zone, Gresik where within the extend there has been a delay within the advance of the arrange. In this research utilizing information collection methods with the strategy of watching efficiency within the trunk and after that conducting trial work to decide the efficiency of instruments and specialists within the field, making an increasing speed examination with the Sprightly strategy, calculating the fetched consumption after the increasing speed is carried out. Comes about of this think about 1. The increasing speed contains a add up to advance pick up of 64.42% and the most noteworthy top of week after week advance pick up of 35.84% and the 6th week pick up of 28.57%, and from that increasing speed moreover advance which within the fifth week as it were summed to 31.74% in two weeks expanded to 96.16%. 2. The rate of the affect of increasing speed costs is 6.5% of the esteem of the work contract of 1,400,000,000, in case the advance gotten amid the speeding up exertion is carried out by 64.42% or proportionate to the esteem of the work of Rp. 901,880,000. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>PERT, Cost Impact, Project Acceleration, Productivity.</em></p> Ikhtisholiyah Berlian Baehaqi Irawan Agustiar Copyright (c) 2024 J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 1 1 1 12 Pemanfaatan FABA (Fly Ash dan Bottom Ash) Limbah Pembakaran Batu Bara Sebagai Bahan Material Kontruksi Ramah Lingkungan Pada Bangunan https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil/article/view/120 <p>The increasing demand of infrastructure project development requires parties operating in the building materials industry to be able to present innovative environmentally friendly building material products. One innovation that has been widely tested and is the use of FABA waste (fly ash and bottom ash) as a construction material in buildings, because the characteristics of the FABA material are quite similar to cement. The aim of this research is to determine the use of FABA waste as an environmentally friendly material in buildings and the influence of FABA waste as a substitute for building construction materials. The method used is qualitative, with data collection and adjustment techniques based on the correlation of sources with the topic in this research. The research results show that the addition of FABA raw materials to building construction materials can increase the values ​​of compressive strength, tensile strength, water absorption capacity, and can be resistant to acid and fire. Satisfactory results are obtained by paying proper attention to the composition of the ingredients. Thus, FABA waste can be used as infrastructure material to support sustainable development. The use of FABA waste as a construction material is considered quite effective and appropriate.<br /><br /><span class="fontstyle0">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle2">Construction Materials, FABA, Eco Friendly, Literature Review, Waste Utilization</span> <br /><br /></p> Adi Mulya Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 1 1 13 23 Study Literasi : Pengelolaan dan Pengolahan Sampah di Indonesia https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil/article/view/132 <p> <span class="fontstyle0">Waste treatment technology is not enough to get ideal results according to the common<br />goals and mission of creating a safe, clean, beautiful and comfortable environment.<br />In the application of waste management and processing methods, it must be supported<br />by all related factors in a comprehensive and sustainable manner. The results of the<br />following literacy study show that it is not enough to apply the use of modern<br />technology but other factors must also be applied properly such as shelter land,<br />facilities and infrastructure must be supported, government regulations related to<br />levies must also be implemented properly. Organic waste processing programs must<br />also be carried out appropriately such as composting, BSF (Butterfly Soldier Fly)<br />method and the use of other appropriate technologies. However, apart from the<br />technical factors, all that is no less important is collaboration, communication and<br />community awareness in maintaining cleanliness together and the implementation of<br />waste management and processing must be achieved so that programs to overcome<br />the waste problem can be solved properly.</span> </p> Mochammad Shofa Hasti Suprihatin Copyright (c) 2024 J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 1 1 24 33 Peningkatan Mutu Transportasi Umum Dalam Pelayanan Publik dan Mengurangi Angka Kemacetan yang Disebabkan Banyaknya Kendaraan Pribadi di Indonesia https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil/article/view/131 <p><em>Public transportation is a type of public transportation that is used by large groups of people. Public transportation in Indonesia is very diverse, it has even spread to online transportation. With this diversity of public transportation, it should be possible to reduce existing congestion which is a scourge in several regions in Indonesia. But unfortunately, there are still many people who prefer private modes of transportation. Why did this happen? In this article, we will discuss what things make people reluctant to use public transportation and prefer private transportation. The method used is qualitative, with data collection and adjustment techniques based on the correlation of sources with the topic in this research. The government hopes that the results of this research will be successful can implement relevant policies and help with the problem of imbalance between the amount of public transportation and the number of passengers by increasing the number of fleets.&nbsp; There are results and findings, namely that there are several policies that can be implemented to deal with the influx of passengers, but there are impacts and obstacles in implementing these policies.&nbsp; So the government considers it necessary to require a survey to make public transportation more comfortable.</em></p> Fadel Maulana Bhakti Copyright (c) 2024 J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains 2024-07-03 2024-07-03 1 1 34 42 Analisis Perbandingan Jembatan Apung, Rangka Baja Metode Prategang, Stayed, Underpass dan Pelengkung Ditinjau Dari Material https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/j-sipil/article/view/126 <p><em>A bridge is an important structure in highway infrastructure that functions to connect a road section that is cut off due to an obstacle. These obstacles are usually in the form of rivers, ravines, valleys, or lakes. In modern times, development is being carried out in various sectors, such as economic, social, and industrial. This causes an increase in the load on existing bridges in Indonesia. In other words, many bridges in Indonesia have undergone changes in road classes. This condition results in the need for evaluation of the existing bridge design. If the bridge is considered unfit for use, dismantling and rebuilding the bridge is not an effective option, because in addition to being expensive, it also interferes with the flow of traffic. Therefore, bridge reinforcement is the most effective option, because besides being expensive, it also interferes with traffic flow. Therefore, bridge reinforcement is the most effective option. In relation to the many types of regions in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the location, construction materials, as well as the right calculations. In addition, the function of the bridge is not only as a link between regions. However, it can also be used as a monumental building.</em></p> Yok Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Sains 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 1 1 43 48