Study Literasi : Pengelolaan dan Pengolahan Sampah di Indonesia


  • Mochammad Shofa Universitas Gresik
  • Hasti Suprihatin Universitas Gresik


Management, Processing, Waste, Public Awareness, Government Regulations


 Waste treatment technology is not enough to get ideal results according to the common
goals and mission of creating a safe, clean, beautiful and comfortable environment.
In the application of waste management and processing methods, it must be supported
by all related factors in a comprehensive and sustainable manner. The results of the
following literacy study show that it is not enough to apply the use of modern
technology but other factors must also be applied properly such as shelter land,
facilities and infrastructure must be supported, government regulations related to
levies must also be implemented properly. Organic waste processing programs must
also be carried out appropriately such as composting, BSF (Butterfly Soldier Fly)
method and the use of other appropriate technologies. However, apart from the
technical factors, all that is no less important is collaboration, communication and
community awareness in maintaining cleanliness together and the implementation of
waste management and processing must be achieved so that programs to overcome
the waste problem can be solved properly.


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How to Cite

Mochammad Shofa, & Hasti Suprihatin. (2024). Study Literasi : Pengelolaan dan Pengolahan Sampah di Indonesia. J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi Dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Dan Sains, 1(1), 24–33. Retrieved from