Analisis Perbandingan Jembatan Apung, Rangka Baja Metode Prategang, Stayed, Underpass dan Pelengkung Ditinjau Dari Material


  • Yok Ibrahim Universitas Gresik


Comparative Analysis of Bridges, Applications, Traffic Flow


A bridge is an important structure in highway infrastructure that functions to connect a road section that is cut off due to an obstacle. These obstacles are usually in the form of rivers, ravines, valleys, or lakes. In modern times, development is being carried out in various sectors, such as economic, social, and industrial. This causes an increase in the load on existing bridges in Indonesia. In other words, many bridges in Indonesia have undergone changes in road classes. This condition results in the need for evaluation of the existing bridge design. If the bridge is considered unfit for use, dismantling and rebuilding the bridge is not an effective option, because in addition to being expensive, it also interferes with the flow of traffic. Therefore, bridge reinforcement is the most effective option, because besides being expensive, it also interferes with traffic flow. Therefore, bridge reinforcement is the most effective option. In relation to the many types of regions in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the location, construction materials, as well as the right calculations. In addition, the function of the bridge is not only as a link between regions. However, it can also be used as a monumental building.


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How to Cite

Yok Ibrahim. (2024). Analisis Perbandingan Jembatan Apung, Rangka Baja Metode Prategang, Stayed, Underpass dan Pelengkung Ditinjau Dari Material. J-Sipil : Jurnal Teknologi Dan Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Dan Sains, 1(1), 43–48. Retrieved from