Purpose― The research aims to evaluate the impact of sales, profitability, and solvency on the market value of pharmaceutical businesses listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2019 and 2023.
Method— Pharmaceutical businesses registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2019 and 2023 comprise the demographic and research sample for this quantitative study. Saturated sample methodology is employed in this study, with samples drawn from each of the 11 populations that make up the firms.
Finding— Upon examination of the analysis's findings, it was discovered that sales positively and significantly impacted company value, profitability positively and significantly impacted company value, solvency positively and significantly impacted company value to a partial extent, and sales, profitability, and solvency all significantly and simultaneously impacted company value.
Implikasi— Investors might benefit from the study's practical consequences when deciding on policies pertaining to sales, profitability, and solvency on company value. The findings of this investigation have theoretical ramifications that help to understand signal theory and agency theory. This empirical policy's consequences offer proof of how sales, profitability, and solvency affect company value.
Originality— The uniqueness of this study is demonstrated by how it differs from other studies. Rahman (2021) for example, explains that sales, profitability, and solvency all significantly affect a company's value at the same time. The second (Yusmaniarti, 2021) clarifies how the company's worth is impacted concurrently by sales, profitability, and solvency.
Keywords-- Sales, Profitability, Company value