Effect of Basil Combination Papaya Juice on Lower Cholesterol Levels in The Blood in Adult Older


  • Khalifatus Zuhriyah Alfianti Universitas Gresik
  • Yuanita Syaiful
  • Suwanto


Adult older, basil, cholesterol, papaya juice


Background: Cholesterol is a fatty substance circulating in the blood, yellowish in color and in the form of wax, which is produced by the liver and indispensable by the body. However, if the use is overuse it will be a problem. One of the factors of high levels of cholesterol in excess blood is the lack of consuming fruits and vegetables containing fiber. One of them that we can consume in lowering cholesterol is papaya fruit and basil. Because, papaya fruit contains pectin and basil contains flavonoids,where the two content can lower cholesterol levels. The purpose of this study was to identify cholesterol levels in the blood before and after being given basil combination papaya juice. Methods: This research uses Pre Experimental research method with one group pre-post test design. Sampilng technique using Purposive Sampling method. Data analysis using SPSS. Results: The statistical test result of Paired Sample t Test obtained a Sig (2-tailed) value in the treatment group is p=0.805 (>0.05) which means there is no difference before and after intervention. The results of these statistical tests show no influence. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of data that has been done, it was concluded that there is no influence of administration of basil combination papaya juice to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.




How to Cite

Alfianti, K. Z., Syaiful, Y., & Suwanto. (2024). Effect of Basil Combination Papaya Juice on Lower Cholesterol Levels in The Blood in Adult Older. Journal of Nurshing Application, 1(1), 33–39. Retrieved from https://journal.univgresik.ac.id/index.php/jona/article/view/337