Journal of Nurshing Application 2024-08-01T12:03:30+07:00 Daviq Ayatulloh Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Nursing Application (JoNA) adalah platform ilmiah yang dirancang untuk mengakomodasi karya-karya ilmiah bagi para peneliti, dosen, dan mahasiswa dibidang ilmu keperawatan. Platform JoNA dimulai pada Januari 2024. JoNA dirancang dengan menggunakan referensi dari seluruh dunia yang berfokus pada bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan dengan penekanan khusus pada pencapaian di Indonesia. Fokus JoNA meliputi studi keperawatan dengan ruang lingkup keperawatan medikal-bedah, keperawatan kritis, gawat darurat, dan bencana, keperawatan maternitas dan pediatrik, keperawatan komunitas dan kesehatan jiwa, manajemen keperawatan, keperawatan dasar, teori keperawatan, dan kebijakan keperawatan.</p> <p>JoNA diterbitkan oleh Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Gresik, Indonesia. Kami bekerja sama dengan Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia - Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AINEC - AIPNI). JoNA diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun (April, Agustus, dan Desember) dengan proses double-blinded peer-review. </p> Relationship Between Anxiety, Depression, And Quality Of Life Among Hemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review 2024-07-29T13:51:35+07:00 Ahmad Miftahul Aziz Bosniawan Ayatulloh Daviq Nurul Fahmi Rizka Laily <p><strong>Background: </strong>Anxiety and depression are the most prevalent psychological disorder among hemodialysis patients and affect quality of life. The aim was to analyze prevalences of anxiety, depression and quality of life among hemodialysis patients. <strong>Methods:</strong> We comprehensively searched in multiple data bases limited to the last 5 years from 2019 to 2024 used keyword “quality of life”, restricted our search to “hemodialysis”, “depression” and “anxiety” in the title and abstract connected by the Boolean operator “AND”. Reviewers working independently and appraised the quality and included 15 cross sectional study that evaluated, in patient with depression and anxiety on hemodialysis treatment and how can affect QoL (Short From Health Survey with 26 question (SF-36). Fiveteen moderate quality cross-sectional met the inclusion criteria. <strong>Result:</strong> Total of 2.458 hemodialysis patients showed that anxiety and depression is highest psychological disorder prevalences which was associated with a lower Quality of Life. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The body of evidence suggest that depression and anxiety can decrease quality of life on hemodialysis patients.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application Analysis of Differences in the Adequacy of Single Use and Reuse to 1 Hemodialysis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 2024-07-29T14:29:41+07:00 Nurul F R Laily Mitchellia Islam Sabilah Roihatul Zahroh Ahmad Hasan Basri <p><strong>Background: </strong>Hemodialysis therapy is very expensive, so a new dialyzer that has been used by a patient must be recycled for use by the same patient again. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of a new dialyzer and the 1st reused dialyzer on the adequacy of hemodialysis in patients in the hemodialysis unit of RSUD Ibnu Sina, Gresik.<strong> Methods: </strong>This research is a pre-experimental research using a two group post test only design approach. The research sample was 20 respondents, sampling in this study used purposive sampling type. The statistical test used was the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and the Mann Whitney test. The independent variable was the use of a new dialyzer and a reused dialyzer I. The dependent variable was adequacy of hemodialysis.<strong> Results: </strong>The test results showed a significance (α) of 0.037 so that &lt;0.05, meaning that there was a significant difference in the use of a new dialyzer and a reused dialyzer I on hemodialysis adequacy in chronic kidney disease patients in the Hemodialysis Room of RSUD Ibnu Sina Kab. Gresik, it is proven that the reused diaizer I is more effective than the new dialer.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>The effectiveness of using a new and reused dialyzer I can influence whether or not the hemodialysis adequacy is adequate.</p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application Description of Mother 's Knowledge and Attitudes Stimulation Ability Speech and Language in Children with Speech Delay Age Pre School 2024-07-29T14:52:20+07:00 Khalifatus Zuhriyah Alfianti Nurul Fahmi Rizka Laily <p><strong>Background:</strong> Lack of information sources on speech and language stimulation for children with speech delay causes mothers to not receive complete information. This study aims to determine the description of mothers' knowledge and attitudes in stimulating speech and language skills in preschool-age speech delay children. <strong>Methods:</strong> This study uses a descriptive research type with a cross-sectional study approach. Data collection is only at one time using univariate analysis tests. <strong>Results:</strong> Mother's attitude in stimulating speech and language skills in children with speech delay from 32 respondents almost half have a positive attitude as many as 23 respondents (71.9%) and a negative attitude of 9 respondents (28.1%). Lack of knowledge as many as 14 respondents (43.8%) and a small part has good knowledge as many as 6 respondents (18.7%). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Mothers provide stimulation based on information from other sources which results in them feeling less enthusiastic and less confident in doing stimulation at home because they are afraid of making mistakes. These reasons ultimately form a pattern of parenting in providing maternal stimulation that is too permissive and authoritarian and can shape the child's character in the future.</p> <p> </p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application The Effect of Health Education Through Course Review Horay on Knowledge and Attitude of Personal Hygiene in The Prevention of Vaginal Discharge in Adolescent Girls 2024-08-01T10:29:57+07:00 Nurul Fahmi Rizka Laily Robiatul Adawiyah Retno Twistiandayani <p><strong>Background: </strong>The lack of personal hygiene knowledge and attitudes in the prevention of leukorrhea in adolescent girls is caused by a lack of health promotion. This study aims to identify the effect of health education using video and course review horay methods in adolescent girls’ personal hygiene knowledge and attitudes in the prevention of leukorrhea. <strong>Methods: </strong>This research used a quasi-experimental method with a control group pre-post test design. Samples were determined using a purposive sampling technique involving 32 adolescent girls. The independent variables were health education, video and course review horay methods. The dependent variables were knowledge and attitude. The instruments used were questionnaires, SAP, videos, and course review horay. Data were analyzed using paired sample T-test and an independent sample T-test. <strong>Results: </strong>The paired sample T-test of knowledge showed p-values of &lt; 0.001 and 0.835 for the treatment and control groups respectively. The paired sample T-test of attitudes obtained p-values of &lt; 0.001 and 0.111 for the treatment and control groups respectively. The p-value of &lt; 0.05 indicated that the video and the course review horay methods improved personal hygiene in the prevention of leukorrhea. The results of the independent sample T-test showed p-values of &lt;0.001. The p-value of &lt; 0.05 indicated that there were differences in the mean level of personal hygiene in the prevention of leukorrhea between the treatment and control groups. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Based on the results of the study, health workers, especially community nurses can use the video and course review horay methods in providing health education for the prevention of leukorrhea in adolescent girlspost op TURP so that all officer of health (nurse) have standard guidance to give intervention early mobilization at patient of post op TURP.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application Effect of Basil Combination Papaya Juice on Lower Cholesterol Levels in The Blood in Adult Older 2024-08-01T12:03:30+07:00 Khalifatus Zuhriyah Alfianti Yuanita Syaiful Suwanto <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong>Cholesterol is a fatty substance circulating in the blood, yellowish in color and in the form of wax, which is produced by the liver and indispensable by the body. However, if the use is overuse it will be a problem. One of the factors of high levels of cholesterol in excess blood is the lack of consuming fruits and vegetables containing fiber. One of them that we can consume in lowering cholesterol is papaya fruit and basil. Because, papaya fruit contains pectin and basil contains flavonoids,where the two content can lower cholesterol levels. The purpose of this study was to identify cholesterol levels in the blood before and after being given basil combination papaya juice. <strong><em>Methods: </em></strong>This research uses Pre Experimental research method with one group pre-post test design. Sampilng technique using Purposive Sampling method. Data analysis using SPSS. <strong><em>Results: </em></strong>The statistical test result of Paired Sample t Test obtained a Sig (2-tailed) value in the treatment group is p=0.805 (&gt;0.05) which means there is no difference before and after intervention. The results of these statistical tests show no influence. <strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong>Based on the analysis of data that has been done, it was concluded that there is no influence of administration of basil combination papaya juice to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application Early Mobilization on the Incidence of Stocele in Post Op Transuretal Resection of the Prostate (TURP) Patients 2024-08-01T11:29:46+07:00 Nurul Fahmi Rizka Laily Tadzkiroh Ahmad Hasan Basri Retno Twistiandayani <p><strong>Background: </strong>Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is progressive magnification of prostate gland and cause various degree of urethral obstruction and demarcation of stream of urinarious, action of T Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) representing operation which at most to overcome magnification prostate. The problem of which can happened after post TURP such as pain in bone, hiponatremia, urine retention, and blood clot (stosel). This research aim to know effect of early mobilization to occurrence of stosel at patient post Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP).<strong>Methods: </strong>Desain in this research is pre experiment of one group pre and post test. Sample is taken with purposive sampling technique that counted 28 patient post op TURP. Instrument research using observation sheet, and data will be analyzed with Wilcoxon test. <strong>Results: </strong>this research show occurrence of stosel at patient of post op TURP before performing early mobilization are 20 patients (71,4%) and after performing early mobilization there are 24 patient (85,7%) have no stosel. Result of Wilcoxon test indicate that p = 0,000 &lt; 0,05 meaning there are difference which significant occurrence of stosel before and after given early mobilization at patient of post op TURP in Dahlia Room in RSUD Ibnu Sina Gresik. &nbsp;<strong>Conclusion</strong>: Health workes can make early mobilization as action to prevent the happening of occurrence of stosel (blood clot) at patient post op TURP so that at irrigation of spooling remain to be fluent.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nurshing Application