
  • Ahmad Thohirin Universitas Gresik
  • Lailatul Afifah Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban


Innovation, Education Management, Principal, Superior.


This article examines a management innovation carried out by school leaders in building superior schools. Focused on Karangsawo Lamongan Superior Junior High School, East Java, Indonesia. With the aim of researching strategies and innovations of school principals in management, managing human resources, the use of technology in learning, as well as influencing factors in educational management innovation. Using a descriptive qualitative approach method, exploring data with observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. This study shows that in education management, school principals apply various innovations in their leadership, so as to gain trust from the community, as evidenced by the large number of students. An innovative approach is needed in education and the form of a school principal's strategy can be adapted by other institutions to improve the quality of education. This study concludes that innovative school principals are the main capital to develop schools into superior institutions.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Thohirin, & Lailatul Afifah. (2024). INOVASI MANAJEMEN: UPAYA KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MEMBANGUN SEKOLAH UNGGULAN. PROGRESIF, 2(2), 33–45. Retrieved from